#MYMRRIGHT: She Said Yes to the Man of her Dreams! Laide and Emma’s Love Story

Laide and Emma‘s  love story is oh oh so sweet. This couple met at a mutual friend’s wedding and exchanged contacts. That would mark the very beginning of their forever journey of no return "MARRIAGE".
Here is a little Tales of the moon light of how they met on a plater of gold.

How We Met In Our Own Accord
By The Journey Bride-to-this day, Laide
Emma and I met at a friend’s wedding on Valentine’s day. I had just left a bad relationship and I had zeroed my mind on trying to get into a new one. I was dancing close to the table where he was and he approached me and asked for my number. I was reluctant because I had given up on guys but a mutual friend of ours who was on the table assured me he was a very decent person. So, I decided to give him my number. He called some days later and I had totally forgotten I gave him my number.

We started talking and I was initially not interested. He asked me out on a date and I found out he had never dated anyone which surprised me. Some months later, on th

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